The Inclus story - Building a shared understanding with technology

From peace mediation to corporate risk management, trust and transparency are built through respect and collaboration

Inclus was established in 2012. Founders Mikaeli Langinvainio and Juha Törmänen leveraged their experiences at CMI, Nobel Peace Laureate Martti Ahtisaari’s Peace Foundation, to develop a digital tool to harness diverse stakeholder insights in peace mediation processes.

Since its founding, Inclus has evolved to serving complex stakeholder-driven processes in corporate risk management, sustainability, and strategic planning.

People want to be heard on issues and uncertainties that matter to them. That’s the common denominator between peace mediation, corporate processes, and beyond.

“Peace is a question of will. All conflicts can be settled, and there are no excuses for allowing them to become eternal.”

Martti Ahtisaari
The founder of CMI - Nobel Peace Prize winner
- Former President of Finland

Moving forward on
peace mediation

Inclus was initially established as a spinoff from CMI - Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation. Martti Ahtisaari played a central role in the early days of Inclus. He shared his wisdom on technology's potential for positive change and encouraged us to create new approaches for peace mediation which we also infused into our risk management solutions.

Since its founding in 2012, Inclus has not only been used in numerous peace mediation processes in Europe, The Middle East, Africa, and Asia, but it has broadened its scope from peace mediation, addressing various complex processes involving multiple stakeholders, such as corporate risk management, sustainability and ESG initiatives, and strategic planning.

“The necessity to understand different viewpoints on complex issues is what peace mediation and risk management have in common.”

Mikaeli Langinvainio
CEO of Inclus

Inclus milestones to date

Today, Inclus is viewed as not only an advanced risk management software product but also a thought leading consultative partner, helping organizations take their strategic risk management to the next level.


The co-founders Mikaeli and Juha meet and work at the Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation, developing tools for global peace mediation and conflict resolution.


Inclus spins off from CMI – while still collaborating – with commercial focus in collaborative risk management. Inclus SaaS software launched in 2016, leveraging academic research from the Aalto University Systems Analysis Laboratory.


Inclus is a forerunner in complex project risk management, introducing real-time visual analytics and cross-impact analysis.


Expansion to integrated and scalable risk management (ERM, ESG, BCM). Introducing dashboards and agile workflows.


Inclus in use on five continents. Strengthening digital  leadership in risk management through extensive customer collaboration. Inclus AI introduced.